Build Your Own Mason Jar Pendant Lights

Looking for a cool innovative lighting idea? How about one that is sustainable and uses some recycled materials? Mason jar pendant lights are a cool idea with a modern touch. Creating these pendant lights is a simple DIY project. Start by visiting your local hardware store and picking up a single or multi pendant light kit. Pendant light kits are commonly sold in order to light paper or other lanterns. They can be hung from a hook, strung along ceilings or walls and plugged into an electrical outlet or hard wired into an existing fixture setting. Be sure to check the wattage requirements for the light kit. Each socket should specify what watts are required. Choose a low wattage, around 60 watts for small mason jar lights and be sure to buy the appropriate bulbs.

Once you have your pendant light kit with the appropriate light bulbs choose your mason jars. You can find vintage mason jars at antique stores or find canning jars online and in kitchen supply stores. In some locations, they sell canning jars by the dozen. The size of the canning jar you choose will determine the size of the light fixture and how heavy it will be. In a safe work environment remove the lids from your jars. Set them on a work table so that you can create a hole for your light fixture. Be sure to thoroughly clean your mason jars. Wash them in the dishwasher or with soap and water. At this time, you can also choose to color the jars to match your decor.

You can color clear canning jars with food coloring and Elmer’s glue. You can also use decoupage glue; just be certain that whatever glue you use is easy to apply and dries clear. Pour 1 cup of glue into a disposable bowl. Stir in the food coloring that you want to use until it is mixed well. Apply it to the inside of the mason jar with a foam brush. Allow it to dry overnight. 


Once coloring has dried clamp your mason jar lids to your work table. Put on your safety gear, such as work gloves, safety glasses and a long-sleeved shirt. Place your round light socket on the top of the mason jar lid. Draw around in a circle with a marker. This will serve as a guide to help you to cut the right shape in the top. Repeat this with each mason jar lid you plan to use for a pendant light. Place an arbor drill bit into your electric drill. This is a large drill bit that will help you to take the center of the lid out in an even circle. Choose an arbor drill bit that coincides with the size of your light socket. Drill into the top of the mason jar. Remove the inside of the drawn circle. Make the hole slightly smaller, instead of larger than the circle, so that the socket will fit snugly.

Place the light socket through the hole in the lid. The area where the light is screwed in should protrude through the bottom of the lid and the cord should extend upward. Make sure the socket is snug before continuing further in the process. If it is too snug, use pliers to bend a portion of the metal and make more room. Next screw the bulb into the socket and test the light by plugging the cord into your electrical outlet.

Place the lid on the mason jar, being careful not to knock the bulb against the glass and turn the jar to screw the lid on securely. Now all thats left to do is call an electrician to install pendant lights within your ceiling or walls. If you want your mason jar lights to hang directly from the ceiling, you should not try to install them on your own, unless you have extensive experience with electrical wiring. Alternatively, you can string the cord along your wall or ceiling, outside of the wall plaster, and plug it into an electrical outlet.


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